Securing your website is of the utmost importance if you want to run a web business or simply feel the need to express yourself. Whether you are in it for money or not, it can be very frustrating having your website hacked. And while most sites that trust in quality hosting providers never have to deal with the problem, some do experience the aggravation, and it can be enough to scare one from ever getting on the web again. Luckily, there are ways to prevent hacking from ever occurring again if you should be unfortunate enough to experience it. All you have to do is have the knowledge to know what you should be looking for, and the experience to prevent it from ever happening again.
What kind of knowledge?
Chances are if you operate a website, you do so through a control panel, or cPanel for short. These can be greatly helpful tools when it comes to making updates and designing the overall layout of your site. If your page is going to look great and function properly, there is going to be a quality cPanel behind it handling all the behind the scenes tasks. But the bad thing about cPanel is that once your password is compromised you are effectively at the mercy of a hacker. He or she has access to all the details they need to enjoy free reign over your site, and if you have important user and sales information, look out! So when you're in cPanel, be on the lookout for login dates that are not familiar to you as well as IP addresses. If you are uncertain of whether or not you have been hacked, then change your password immediately and contact your hosting provider for support.
The prevention of hacking is simple if you have a basic to intermediate understanding of how the web works. And it truly is important for you to know the how of it all. For instance, you may repair damaged files, but remember what caused those files to be damaged. Someone had access to them. Someone could change them at will. Someone will be able to do it again even if the problem seems fixed on the surface. So make sure as you get deeper into the safety and security measures of your website to not just repair those damaged files, but to take proactive measures to ensure it never happens again.
Your hosting provider should be able to guide you in what to look for, so make use of this too often overlooked tool. You are not alone so long as you have a quality web hosting company to support you.
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